Peach my Gospel

Southern Speaking from September 2015 to March 2017

Monday, June 20, 2016

6.20.16 Halfway there, living on a prayer!❤️ & "Can I buy that book on Amazon?"

Hey y'all!! So Monday was crazy as ever and long story short we are no longer in a trio! We had a wonderful week and saw so many miracles! I'm short on time but here are some highlights, hope it all makes sense! Haha

Tuesday we had a wonderful district meeting! It was our last one before transfers so we played charades and it was super fun! We went to visit Sister Ratz and she is still cute as ever! We had a lesson with Connie Canty and it is amazing to see how much she has grown. She is now coming to church and reading from the BoM. So proud of her! That night we had dinner with the Carroll family! They have been baptized for almost a year now and are doing so great! We are helping them get ready to go the temple. That night we saw Kieren and Marcus who are doing great. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and they both asked great questions! Love them both so much!

Wednesday morning we went to help out at FISH. I can't remember if I've explained what that is or not but we go and make lunches for the poorer areas of Monroe. It stands for Faith In Serving Humanity. It is such a wonderful program and brings all faiths together. After we got done making lunches and were setting up for the next day one of the drivers said she needed a partner because hers didn't show up. We volunteered and said if she had room for two we would love to go! She moved her seats around and we got to go with her to deliver the lunches. What a cool experience! We drove around downtown Monroe and as we pulled into the neighborhood she would start honking her horn like crazy. The kids would come running out from everywhere with huge smiles on their faces. Some of the cutest kids I've ever seen just filled with gratitude. It was so sweet and such a humbling experience!! That night we had an awesome correlation and met the new sister! She is super sweet and her name is Sister Held. I remember being right where she was and thinking I would never make it to 9 months!! What happened?! Don't blink y'all, it's dangerous!(;

Thursday was a terrific day! We met with Kenny and he is doing great! We taught him the word of wisdom and he understood it all. He says he as really seen/felt a difference since he has started to meet with us. So cool! We also got to see Charles! We had a really good lesson with him about the priesthood! We were able to answer his questions and really get in depth about it. He is so excited to receive it some day and knows it to be true! That night we went to social circle to check on some referrals who hasn't been taught in years. The mission office had done a data base clean out so randomly we got a bunch of referrals for people who hadn't been taught in years. We went to one house looking for Avis but found Jennifer. She is so sweet and as soon as we introduced ourselves she stepped right out on the porch to learn more. The spirit was so strong and the lesson went really well. She happily accepted the invitation to read the BOM and we are going back to see her tonight! I'm so excited.

Friday morning we went back to FISH but only to make the lunches this time! It was still lots of fun and then we spent the afternoon weekly planning. We went to meet another referral but she had recently moved. Instead we met Tasha and her two boys and it was wonderful! As we told her who we were and our purpose as missionaries her eyes just got bigger. She filled with excitement and said, "we need some Jesus, please come back tomorrow!" It was so great and such a tender mercy! 

Saturday was spectacular, we so many people and miracles! That morning we went to see Sister Martin and had the most incredible lesson. We taught her the restoration and the spirit was so strong! As I finished quoting the first vision and the spirit filled the room all she could say was "wow!" We talked a lot about the BoM and she committed to try her best to read it everyday. It is so amazing how the spirit never fails when we teach the restoration. That afternoon we went to see Tasha and she was so happy to see us! She told us about some crazy things that have been happening in her life and that she needed peace. We promised that our message would bring her peace and shared the restoration with her. As we were talking about the BoM she paused to ask "can I buy that book on Amazon?!" We couldn't help but to start to laugh! We had such a wonderful lesson with her and the spirit was so strong! As we invited her to read and pray about the BoM she said "I will but only if y'all promise to come back!" It was incredible and she is so prepared for this gospel! We talked about baptism and she has never been baptized because she is just waiting for the right church. What?! We put her in date for July 23rd and are so excited! After that we had great lessons with Michael and Kenny. We read a chapter with Kenny and really got him started on reading from the BoM. Then we felt like we should stop by to visit Courtney. She was going through a hard time and it was perfect timing. I'm so grateful for the little promptings from the Holy Ghost. That night we went to see Kieren and Marcus. We read a chapter with him and Kieren started explaining it to us! It was so incredible! She has grown so much and is starting to love the BoM!

Sunday was Father's Day, Happy Father's Day y'all! We had a great church service, Charles came and loved it! We had some meetings with the new sister after church and then went to read with the Kalanuis and help Sister Hutchins. That night we went to the a family party to meet some new less actives and share a Father's Day message! It was awesome! Our night ended at Kierens of course! Her dad wanted his "Mormon daughters" to come over. His heart is really being softened to the gospel and it is amazing! He is starting to ask us questions and everything! I just feel so blessed to be a missionary! It's the best decision I've ever made! I hope y'all are doing well and enjoying summer. I can't thank you enough for your support and love! Love and miss y'all! Xoxo

 Sister Hosman❤️πŸ‘

Happy Father's Day, and yes I know my scriptures were upside down!

I can't believe I've been out for 9 months!


This is Charles, who they met there first day in Monroe and is planning to be baptized!

The "Sistrict"


I introduced Gremmy to white cherries and now they are a staple!

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